Friday, 11 January 2013

Ten Ways You Can Make a Great First Impression

Are you meeting someone for the very first time, or are you going somewhere for the first time, or perhaps you are set for a job interview and wondering what to look out for? Then you had better prepare because the impression you make can be for a life time. It can either be your undoing or a great making for you from that very first instance.

What do you think?
To ensure that you make a great first time impression and keep yourself on the winning streak, just make sure to be in line with the followings:

1.     Be Punctual: Punctuality they say is the soul of business. This attitude or otherwise will give you out as either serious on not. It will always give you the winning edge if you remain punctual.

2.     Make use of Eye Contact: Eye contact pulls attention to you; it also gives an impression of openness and confidence.

3.     Give a Firm Handshake: A firm handshake also communicates to the other person a sign of confidence and eagerness.

4.     Do Not Slouch: Never put up a stooping carriage in walking or standing, and even sitting. This will easily give you away as a lazy and incompetent person. A drooping posture will not win you that position except pity.

5.     Do Your Research: Make sure you do an advance search or research about who or where you are going to, especially if it is for the very first time.

6.     Do Not Think Too Much: Try to be a little spontaneous in your responses, of course with some thoughts behind them. But feel free and be relaxed during the meeting.

7.     Be Careful with Humour: Also try to be yourself, but trying always never to overdo anything. Do not force anything out of yourself if it is not natural.

8.     Remember – Appearance Counts: Be sure to dress neatly and appropriately depending on what the occasion calls for. Never take chances or under rate any opportunity, and so presentation is key at all times.

9.     Be Attentive: Always pay due attention so as to continue to maintain the flow. The other person will always be glad that you are with him or her, and that what is being communicated is not wasted. Nobody enjoys abandonment.

10. Also, Be Cheerful: This will usually make you approachable, and the other person feels a sense of security. The warmth will set the pace for a convivial association which lends itself to achievement of common goals.

By Morgan Nwanguma